Advanced Error Reduction in Organisations (AERO)

“The next logical step in improving performance”

Rob Fisher

AERO is the integration of Advanced Human Performance concepts and science with Personality Tendency Management techniques designed to produce sustainable improved outcomes.

The integration of and use of AERO significantly improves the probability that traditional human performance elements will be used the right way to reduce errors and events, especially on tasks that contain fatality or serious injury potential or relate to process safety.

The integration and practical application of these technologies enables individuals and organizations to realise potential by:

  • Increasing capacity to recognize & manage risk
  • Reducing the probability for errors
  • Mitigating the consequences of errors
  • Building resilience
  • Creating sustainable improved performance
  • Accelerate organizational learning
  • Monitor additional performance improvement metrics

Below is a stepped overview of our typical integration path:

Step 1: Educate Senior Leadership

Senior Leader Workshop 

We always start with senior leadership, as successful integration of any improvement path depends on an aligned organisation, starting from the top. Successful integration ultimately depends on senior leadership understanding, applying and promoting AERO technologies.

Step 2: Educate Managers

Manager Workshop  

The next step of the process is for managers to understand the science-based definitions, concepts and applications to give them the ability to lead integration of AERO technologies. This workshop is designed to provide managers proven tools and skills applicable to their role.

Step 3: Enhance Leader Capabilities

Enhanced Leader Workshop 

Once managers are onboard, organisational leader capabilities need to be developed so they can proactively influence the deployment and integration of the concepts, tools and practices that will change the performance of individuals and the overall organisation.

Enhance Leader Capabilities
Step 4: Develop Advocates

Advocate Workshop 

Advocates are the internal consultants of the organisation, ensuring that the concepts and technologies are integrated into the day-to-day workflow. A population of approximately 10% of the organization (diagonal slice) should be developed to this level of competency. Advocates ensure more rapid, reliable and sustainable results.

Develop Advocates
Step 5: License & IP Tech. Transfer

License & IP Technology Transfer

Our typical deployment path, which has proven to be successful across industries, cultures and countries is designed to create internal certified trainers who then educate the majority of the employee population. For this to take place, clients need to have ownership of the material, technologies and tools to ensure long term sustainability.

License & IP Tech. Transfer
Step 6: Prepare & Certify Trainers

Preparation and Certification  

AERO trainer preparation and certification process develops advocates further to become certified internal trainers. Peer teaching has proven to be the most effective road to sustainability. Through the use of extensive trainer notes, consultant mentoring & coaching, and testing of capabilities, internal certified trainers become the delivery mechanism for the full day AERO Employee Awareness workshop.

Prepare & Certify Trainers
Step 7: Train Supervisors & Employees

Supervisor and Employee Workshops 

If the typical deployment path is followed, this step will take place by internal certified trainers of the organisation. Our AERO specialists work with supervisors to enhance their level of competency after they have been trained internally. Emphasis is placed on practical application to ensure employees and supervisors can use the right tools to reduce or mitigate errors and be more productive.

Step 8: Improve Process Development & Incident Analysis Capabilities

Procedure Writing Workshop and Minor & Major Incident Analysis Workshops 

High performing organisations require effective procedures to reduce the probability of errors and events. Our process development workshop enables procedure writers to understand process error drivers and more effectively communicate standards through written documents. Our Incident Analysis Workshops improve the capability of organisations to understand and resolve near-miss, minor significant incidents, thereby improving safety, quality and productivity.

Improve Process Development & Incident Analysis Capabilities
Step 9: Integration Support

Coaching & Mentoring

Once internal training deployment has started, the next phase that organisations navigate is integration. Our team of AERO specialists are always available to help organisations integrate AERO concepts into the day to day workflow to achieve the desired sustainable results.

Step 10: Development of “Super Advocates”

Super Advocate Workshop & Certification

For large organisations that seek to develop their internal capability to the next level, we offer “Super Advocate” training that consists of having internal advocates develop their competency to the point where they can deliver all the AERO workshops and coaching we offer. This ensures long term sustainability without the reliance of an external consulting organisation.

To learn more about this offering please contact us .

Development of "Super Advocates"